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contoh kalimat go by

"go by" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • John asks, "How often does that train go by?"
    John bertanya, "Seberapa sering kereta api lewat?"
  • We'll go by way of Bay Hill Road.
    Kita akan pergi dengan cara Bay Hill Road.
  • I thought she'd be gone by now.
    Saya pikir dia tidak akan berada di sana .
  • ("It Goes Like It Goes" by Jennifer Warnes)
    ("It Goes Like It Goes" oleh Jennifer Warnes)
  • ("It Goes Like It Goes" by Jennifer Warnes)
    ("It Goes Like It Goes" by Jennifer Warnes)
  • And today the atmosphere smells of the days gone by.
    Dan hari ini suasananya sangat berbeda.
  • I mean, I don't think she should go by herself.
    Maksudku, dia tidak akan pergi sendirian.
  • I went by your house, but you weren't there.
    Aku ke rumahmu, tapi kau tak ada.
  • I was planning to go by tomorrow afternoon's train.
    Aku berencana kesana besok dengan kereta sore.
  • So, did you go by Tim's? Yes, I did.
    Apakah Anda masih di rumah sebelum Tims?
  • I saw them couple of days ago. Probably gone by now.
    Sudah dua hari tak terlihat.
  • I want those workers gone by noon tomorrow.
    Aku mau pekerja-pekerja itu pergi sebelum besok sore.
  • Eleyen years went by without a single win against Santos.
    "Santos, Cubatao, Edson Nascimento, 4 gol".
  • "and how we miss those moments gone by"
    " dan bagaimana kita kehilangan saat-saat berlalu "
  • We'll have to go by foot from here.
    Kita harus pergi dengan berjalan kaki dari sini.
  • I went by your home on the Rue Juliana.
    Aku pergi ke rumahmu di Rue Juliana.
  • And Scylla will be gone by morning.
    Dan Scylla sudah tidak ada di sini besok pagi.
  • Anyway, it made the time go by faster.
    Anyway, it made the time go by faster.
  • What book do you think they're going by huh?
    Buku apa yg kau pikir mereka dasarkan?
  • Yes, if you go by circulation and popularity.
    Yes, jika kamu pergi dengan ketenaran dan peredaran.
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